§ Информация 3484

Как работает Мидиактив

Проверено десятилетиями

Специфика терапевтического действия

Экстракт «Biolane®», являющийся действующим компонентом «Мидиактива», содержит ряд биологически-активных веществ, которые помогают уменьшить боль и увеличить подвижность при артрите или травме суставов с помощью:

  • усиления микроциркуляции (кровообращение в капиллярах);

  • уменьшения воспаления (противовоспалительные свойства);
  • защиты хряща, обеспечения его биологическими «строительными материалами» (так называемый хондропротективный эффект).

«Biolane®» также защищает желудок (гастропротектор), ткани почек (нефропротектор) и служит вспомогательным средством для быстрого восстановления мышц и увеличения спортивной выносливости.

Какие соединения в «Biolane®» обеспечивают преимущество?

Прежде всего «Biolane®» - это натуральный экстракт, поэтому он содержит не одно действующее вещество, а несколько соединений, которые придают ему полезные свойства. Основными компонентами являются специфические углеводы, липиды являются вторичными, но терапевтический эффект экстракта есть результат от воздействия различных соединений, работающих вместе (поливалентность).

Активные компоненты, которые были выявлены в экстракте «Biolane®»:

  • комплекс гликогена — основное противовоспалительное вещество;
  • полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты — вторичные противовоспалительные вещества;
  • полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты — обезболивающие;
  • липиды — гастропротекторы;
  • гликозаминогликаны — смазка суставов, их амортизационные свойства и постоянное «технического обслуживание» и «ремонт» хряща (то есть хондропротекция);
  • морские минералы поддерживают здоровый уровень обмен веществ в клетках.


Защита желудка и почек

Нестероидные противовоспалительные средства (НПВС) являются наиболее широко используемыми средствами от артритов. Эти лекарственные средства имеют высокий риск желудочно-кишечных проблем, например, изъязвления и кровотечения, особенно у пожилых. Они также плохо действуют на почки. Исследования показывают, что экстракт «Biolane®» не вызывает никаких язвенных дефектов на слизистой желудка или повреждения почек. На самом деле, «Biolane®» помогает защитить желудок от вредного воздействия НПВС.

Как долго может работать «Biolane®»?

Большинство людей чувствуют значительное уменьшение болей в течение 2–4 недель от начала приема. Однако рекомендуется принимать «Мидиактив» (по 0,5 грамм «Biolane®» в капсуле) не менее 2-х полных месяцев для увеличения эффективности.

Примечание: некоторые люди чувствуют легкое первоначальное усиление болей через 1–2 дня после начала приема капсул с «Biolane®». Это быстро уходит через день-два, и далее идет только улучшение состояния.

Какие существуют доказательства, что «Biolane®» работает?

Более 20 научных исследований с «Biolane®» были проведены на протяжении многих лет рядом авторитетных медицинских научных организаций из различных стран.


Обратите особое внимание, что почти все клинические исследования экстрактов зеленогубых новозеландских мидий проводились именно с экстрактом «Biolane®», который был разработан 30 лет назад, как оригинальный продукт. Он изготовлен с использованием уникальной холодной жидкостной экстракции, и клинические результаты этих исследований не могут быть обобщены для других экстрактов из мидий.

Ссылки на исследования:

Clinical – Human (Клинические исследования на людях):

  1. Gibson RG, Gibson SLM, Conway V, et al. Perna canaliculus in the treatment of arthritis. Practitioner 1980; 224: 955–60. This was the first long-term double-blind clinical study examining the effect of «Biolane® Extract» on 66 patients with arthritis. The results showed that «Biolane® Extract» was effective in treating patients with both rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis (OA). The proportion of patients benefiting from treatment with «Biolane® Extract» was higher in the RA than the OA group.

  2. Audeval B, Bouchacourt P. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the mussel Perna canaliculus (New Zealand green-lipped mussel) in gonarthrosis (arthritis of the knee). La Gazette Medicale 1986; 93 (38): 111–5. This carefully designed, placebo-controlled clinical study in 53 patients with arthritis of the knee showed that «Biolane® Extract» was a very effective treatment for arthritis, when judged using both objective measures (mobility) and subjective measures (patient perception of symptoms). By concentrating on patients with arthritis in just one joint (the knee) the researchers were able to eliminate the variables associated with diffuse arthritis, and study a greater number of indices of disease in more detail. The two most debilitating features of arthritis – pain and loss of function – both responded well to treatment. Interestingly, those with moderate disease showed greater improvement than those with advanced arthritis.

  3. Kendall RV, Lawson JW, Hurley LA. New research and a clinical report on the use of Perna canaliculus in the management of arthritis. Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients 2000; July: 99–111. This thorough review of the literature on Biolane® Extract described its anti-inflammatory activity, and the clinical benefits in patients with arthritis. In particular, the report highlighted that the components of «Biolane® Extract» included glycosaminoglycans (important constituents of joint cartilage and synovial fluid) and anti-inflammatory compounds such as glycogen, certain polyunsaturated fatty acids and lysolecithin. The authors reviewed evidence of anti-inflammatory activity in animal models of induced arthritis, and clinical studies that showed symptom relief and improvements in mobility in patients with chronic arthritis.

  4. Lambert M, Semark A, Grobler L. The ergogenic properties of Seatone®. Research Report by MRC/UCT Bioenergetics of Exercise Research Unit, UCT Medical School, Sport Science Institute of South Africa, 31st August 1998. In this study, conducted at the UCT Medical School in South Africa, the effects of «Biolane® Extract» on recovery from muscle injury were compared with those of placebo in 20 highly trained athletes (cyclists). The cyclists took «Biolane® Extract» for 3 weeks before muscle injury was induced. Peak power was greater and recovery of peak power faster in the group who were taking Biolane® Extract than in those taking placebo. This was the first study to suggest that Biolane® Extract can aid in soft tissue injury recovery in healthy individuals.

Cellular Level Papers (исследования на животных):

  1. Cheras P. Vascular Mechanisms in Osteoarthritis: Rationale for Treatment with a Marine-Based Complementary Medicine, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2005, Volume 13, page S95. Osteoarthritis can affect the body through several mechanisms, including vascular (blood vessels), which can lead to joint discomfort, pain, inflammation and cartilage breakdown. This research confirmed that «Biolane®» was effective against a wide range of osteoarthritis mechanisms. The study also confirmed previous research, which showed that «Biolane®» had several different properties that acted together to benefit the joints. Additional research related to this paper found that «Biolane®» had a more comprehensive range of activities than either glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate.

  2. Miller TE, Ormrod D. The anti-inflammatory activity of Perna canaliculus (NZ green-lipped mussel). NZ Med Journal 1980; 92: 187–93. Researchers from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, demonstrated that intraperitoneal administration (administering through the peritoneum) of «Biolane® Extract» significantly reduced inflammation in rats with induced arthritis. The study found that lower doses of the extract were effective if administered for several days before administering the arthritis-inducing agent. This was possibly the first indication that «Biolane® Extract» has a systemic effect on the course of the disease, rather than simply relieving the symptoms.

  3. Daum A. The influence of Seatone® (RO 49–0282/100), and fractions of Seatone®, on the established adjuvant arthritis of the rat. Roche Laboratories, Switzerland, 1976. This study demonstrated that Biolane® Extract had anti-inflammatory activity in rats with arthritis. The study also tested isolated fractions of»»Biolane® Extract» for anti-inflammatory activity, but each of these fractions alone had no effect. This supports the argument that it is the combination of elements in «Biolane® Extract» (rather than a single compound) that confers its anti-inflammatory activity.

  4. Rainsford KD, Whitehouse MW. Gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of green lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) preparation. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res 1980; 30 (II): 2128–32. Australian scientists showed that «Biolane® Extract» mussel extract has a protective effect on the stomach lining; unlike common pharmaceutical agents for treating arthritis, which actually promote stomach ulceration. In addition, these scientists found that the lipid component of the extract, which was responsible for this protective effect on the stomach lining, also demonstrated a mild anti-inflammatory activity.

  5. Couch RAF, Ormrod DJ, Miller TE, Watkins WB. Anti-inflammatory activity in fractionated extracts of the green-lipped mussel. NZ Med Journal 1982; 95 (720): 803–6. This study, conducted at the University of Auckland, investigated the relative anti-inflammatory activity of isolated fractions of the mussel extract. The study concluded that the principal activity was due to water-soluble fractions of the extract, with secondary activity due to the lipid fraction.

  6. Miller TE, Ormrod DJ, Findon G. Evaluation of the effect of «Seatone®» administration on cell-mediated immune mechanisms determined using in vitro and in vivo analysis of T lymphocyte function. Private study in the Department of Medicine, University of Auckland, 1984. This study provided valuable evidence for the immunomodulatory (immune system changing) effect of «Biolane® Extract», in particular its suppression of T-lymphocyte (a kind of white blood cell) function. It provided further evidence of the systemic effect of the mussel extract in treating arthritic disorders.

  7. Miller TE, Wu H. In vivo evidence for prostaglandin inhibitor activity in New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract. NZ Med Journal 1984; 97: 355–7. This study was the first to demonstrate that «Biolane® Extract» inhibited prostaglandin production, providing compelling evidence that this was a primary mechanism for its anti-inflammatory effect. Inhibition of prostaglandin production was demonstrated through delayed parturition (giving birth) in rats, a well-established scientific model for investigating effects on prostaglandin production.

  8. Kosuge T, Tsuji K, Ishida H, Yamaguchi T. Isolation of an anti-histaminic substance from green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus). Chem Pharm Bull 1986; 34 (11): 4825–8. This laboratory study, conducted at the Shizuoka College of Pharmacy, successfully demonstrated that a substance in «Biolane® Extract» has positive antihistamine and anti-inflammatory activity. The active fraction isolated by these scientists was naturally-occurring lysolecithin.

  9. Knaus UG, Tubar A, Wagner H. Pharmacological properties of glycogens: anti-complementary and anti-inflammatory action of mussel glycogen (Perna canaliculus). Department of Immunology Imm2, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California, USA. Also Universities of Trieste, Italy and Munich, Germany, 1990. This study investigated the properties of glycogen extracted from the green-lipped mussel, blue mussel and other bivalve shellfish. The anti-inflammatory activity was shown to be unique to the green-lipped mussel glycogen: glycogen from the blue mussel actually exacerbated inflammation in this animal model.

  10. Miller TE, Dodd J, Ormrod DJ, Geddes R. Anti-inflammatory activity of glycogen extracted from Perna canaliculus (NZ green-lipped mussel). Agents Actions 1993; 38 (Special Conference issue): C139–42. Scientists extracted a polysaccharide (glycogen) from Biolane® Extract, and found that it has anti-inflammatory activity in rats with arthritis. The glycogen from «Biolane® Extract» also substantially reduced the migration of neutrophils (a kind of white blood cell) to the site of the inflammation.

Clinical – Dog (клинические исследования применения на собаках):

  1. Pollard B, Guilford WG, Ankenbauer-Perkins KL, Hedderley D, Clinical efficacy and tolerance of an extract of green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) in dogs presumptively diagnosed with degenerative joint disease. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 2006; Vol 54 Number 3. This double-blind study compared «Biolane® Extract» with a placebo in dogs with degenerative joint disease (DJD), a condition that closely resembles human arthritis. Compared with the placebo group, a significantly higher proportion of dogs that received «Biolane®» extract showed clinical improvement; and none of the dogs developed any adverse effects. The paper concluded that Biolane® had a beneficial effect on the clinical signs of mild to moderate DJD in dogs.

  2. Orima H, Fujita M, Omura T, Kirihara N. Clinical effects of the extract of the New Zealand green-lipped mussel on dogs and cats with joint diseases. Report from the Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University, Japan, 1998. Researchers from Japan examined the effect of «Biolane® Extract» on arthritic joint disease in animals. «Biolane® Extract» was administered to 43 dogs and 6 cats with degenerative joint disease. Overall, 93% of animals benefited from treatment.

Clinical – Horse (клинические исследования применения на лошадях):

  1. «Biolane®» has also been proven to provide relieve symptoms of lameness in horses. Research conducted at Massey University, New Zealand during 2010 confirmed the efficacy of Biolane in horses with lameness attributed to osteoarthritis. ‘A randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study on the efficacy of a unique extract of green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis’ was published in the highly regarded Equine Veterinary Journal in 2011. Conducted in New Zealand by Massey University, the trial was a placebo controlled randomized, double-blinded study of horses with primary fetlock lameness. study design was a partial crossover with a washout period and consisted of 19 horses treated with «Biolane» and 20 with a placebo. Horses were dosed orally with 25 mg/kg bwt/day Biolane or placebo for 56 days. Results showed that those horses treated with «Biolane» for a period of 56 days showed a significant improvement in lameness score, less reaction to joint flexion and reduced pain on palpation of the joint compared to those treated with a placebo. A review of the study by Nicky Kerbyson, BVMS MRCVS of the British Equine Veterinary Association stated that: «With the ever-increasing use of nutraceuticals in the equine industry, this article is important as it offers a study design that has the integrity to withstand scientific enquiry, which is unusual for a nutraceutical product». «Biolane» is the only green lipped mussel extract made using a proprietary process from harvesting to end product that retains the unique properties of this New Zealand shellfish. Every kilo of Biolane can be traced back to the time of day and specific farm at which the mussels that made it were harvested.

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